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The Earl Campbell Story -
Red Cross Boxes from Home & Souvenirs from the Front

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The soldiers of King Township were fortunate to receive care packages from the Red Cross Society, Girl Guides of King, Laskay League of Girls, and Women's Institute. The communities raised money to send boxes to the soldiers. Every year Sir Henry Pellatt held gigantic Field Days and Dances on his 1000 acre farm "Lake Marie", the proceeds of this event was used to sending boxes to the soldiers. On September 18, 1918 Merelda wrote "We are going to have Field Day on the 18 Sept. at Pellatts & expect a big time. The sports start at 11.30 and there is to be a supper, concert & dance admission to all $1.25 it will break me alright. I'll send you a Bill as soon as they are printed. The Queens Own Band has to supply the music. Col. Pellatt is getting home on furlough & they expect him there. Old Sir Henry is helping this year so expect it will be a success. There is to be all kinds of sports, football, baseball, racing, throwing the caber, climbing the greasy pole & etc."

Merelda writes to Earl on Sept 15, 1917
p.2 "We sent away 15 boxes last week – Kate & I packed yours. Mother will be sending you one this week & King people will be packing soon the proceeds of Pellatt field day goes to the King boys about 80 of them to send to."

Sept 30, 1918, King letter from Merelda to Earl. Merelda writes of the Sir Henry Pellatt's field day and the raising of money that would go towards the packing of boxes for soldiers at the Front.
We cleared over $60.00 at Pellatts Field Day. So that is to send boxes to you boys. I don't know when they are going to pack.

List of items packed by
the Red Cross in Schomberg

Taken from Schomberg Tweedsmuir History

Taken from Kettleby Tweedsmuir History

The Schomberg Tweedsmuir history records their contribution to sending packages to the soldiers overseas. Many of the local women including Emma Marchant who was President of the Schomberg Women's Institute worked tirelessly for the war effort. During the busy war years she drove every Wednesday with her horse and buggy to sew for the Red Cross in the Masonic Hall, Schomberg.

The following appeared in the Aurora Banner, February 14, 1919:
The King City Red Cross Auxiliary was organized in October of 1915 with a membership of 90, afterward slightly increase; but with the passing of time the average membership may be considered as 75 thereabouts, and as the figures given below will show, The Auxiliary has no cause to feel ashamed of its production.

Total subscriptions of all kinds $1973.99
Donations for soldiers Xmas Boxes & Sundry donations $ 270.86
Paid for Flannel, Buttons, etc $1027.16
Paid for wool for socks $ 362.23
Suits of pyjamas mad up and shipped 983
Pairs of socks knitted and shipped 502
Balance on hand turned over to the Red Cross $ 182.84

When it is remembered that the district embraced by the organization is small one and that many of the lady workers were also very busy with other organizations, I think we may look back with pride at the record of the King City Red Cross Auxiliary. The special thanks of the Auxiliary are due to the magnificent work of the Laskay ladies who by their splendid efforts contributed so much to the success of the organization.

D.M. Farmer, Sec.

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